
© Suzanne Norris

© Suzanne Norris

Photo: Yat Ho Tsang

Photo: Yat Ho Tsang

Daniel Boothe

Since coming to Amsterdam from his native United States in 2009, Daniel has dedicated himself to pushing the musical bar in his adopted country. Not just a gigger, Daniel prides himself on engaging the community with 't Kabinet in the Westerkerk, offering free monthly performances to the public as part of their longstanding tradition of cantata services. Having studied authentic performance practice in Venice, Barcelona, Brussels, and throughout the United states, he's cultivated a style which is uniquely his.


Ryuko Reid

Even before graduating from Amsterdam's prestigious Sweelinck Conservatory, Ryuko was busy making a name for herself, co-founding the internationally-recognized Amsterdam Corelli Collective and performing with some of the best ensembles around Europe. Between engagements, Ryuko can be found working with Musicians without Borders in Palestine, and teaching masses of children at Muziekschool Amstelveen.

Photo: Yuki Cheng

Photo: Yuki Cheng

Imke Jansen

A woman of endless talents, whether it's performing with the viola, or photography, or in pyschiatry where she has a PHD, or languages (she speaks 5), or even baking amazing things in the kitchen, Imke excels in everything she does. With 't Kabinet since its inception, her endless enthusiasm and grace have made her indespensable.


Maximiliano Segura Sánchez

Since moving to the Netherlands in 2008, Maximliano was not content just to study cello and learn to play exquisitely - he had to immerse himself into the deep waters of historic cello playing, winning the Anner Bijlsma Award in 2016 for his research and subesquently recording his debut solo CD, Partite Modenesi (Passacaille records). If that's not enough, his near-constant smile and enthusiasm is infectious to all who come along his way.


Hendrik-Jan Wolfert

Though he may be the most mature member of the ensemble, Hendrik-Jan's staid and sweet manner belie a fiery passion for historic contrabass and violone playing. If no ensemble can exist well without a firm bas(s/e), then 't Kabinet is on the surest of foundations.


David Schlaffke

Born in the land of Bach and having been classically trained in Leipzig, David came to Amsterdam to study harpsichord, fell in love and settled down in Sloten, where he is organist also at the historic Sloterkerk. A consummate chamber musician, David's abilities at the keyboard are only surpassed by his unfailing tact and positivity.

Though the above-mentioned could be considered "core" members, we also are privileged to be joined regularly by the talents of

  • Mimi Mitchell
  • Isidro Albarreal Delgado
  • Frederik Hildebrand
  • Alison Smith
  • Marit Darlang
  • Edmond Chan
  • Eva Harmuthova
  • Takako Kunugi
  • Cassandra Luckhardt
  • Ivan Jorge Shwarz
  • Thomas Triesschijn
  • Mario Topper
  • Douwe van der Meulen
  • Joseph Tan
  • Arjen Verhage

and many more...

© Suzanne Norris

© Suzanne Norris